Saturday, February 14, 2009

True Colours Thursday--Silver!

I'm late, I'm late. I know it's past the date,
but here are my SILVER pictures.

This is a SILVER anniversary
gift from Sunshine

You can probably see the reflection of
my camera in the mirror.

A pair of SILVER salt & pepper shakers

A SILVER kitty ring holder

True Colours Thursday is hosted by friend Blue


  1. Very nice silvers. I especially like the kitty ring holder!

    The move isn't fun. We have until the first of March to have everything out, so we're moving a little at a time. We're putting away as we take things up, so at least one house is fairly organized. This one is a mess. We took a load of stuff to Goodwill yesterday. We still have more. I think we need an industrial size garbage bin!

  2. Am delighted you managed to play.
    Timing doesn't matter - sharing does.
    It is a lovely silver entry, sadly - it won't be seen by many.
    Your tea set is superior to mine, being real silver!

    Take care

  3. Your Silvers are lovely, especially the anniversay gift. :-)
