Monday, December 14, 2009

My 1st Blogoversary

I just realized that today marks my first blogoversary. My first blog post recounted a humorous, true Christmas story that happened a few years ago. The incident occured about this time in December and was a story that begged to be told.

Though I haven't blogged nearly as much as I had intended to, I have already met some wonderful people and made some lasting friendships through blogging.

I've started thinking about my list of goals for 2010. Let's see, I think I shall begin with:
1) Get back to blogging...

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and your families.


  1. Good resolution. Think I should follow suit. I've been a little lax lately.

  2. I have kept to one meme only just to keep my blog ticking over, and Ditto: I have made friends with some really lovely families as well..... :)

  3. I like that resolution. I look forward to reading your posts.

  4. Sorry i am a bit late.... happy blogaversary!

    I have been lagging lately as well...
